New CoRubrics functionality: radar charts

CoRubrics launches new version. Fixes detected errors and adds a new option. Now allows you to display the results in radar charts.

One of CoRubrics’ weaknesses was sending the results to the students. It was difficult for young students, especially in primary school, to understand the numbers in the rubric. This new version includes the option to also send a radar chart.

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Working with Google documents offline

All of us who work mainly in the cloud (in my case, almost exclusively) have heard comments like: “It’s great to have all the information in the cloud, but the day you don’t have the internet you won’t be able to do anything”. This statement has not been true for a long time now, but it’s okay to remember it and see how to set it all up so that we can really work when we don’t have access to the network. In this article we will see how to access documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google format that we have on Drive and how we can work. It is necessary to specify that, for the moment, we can only work with these 3 types of files. Therefore, without connection we will not be able to work with sites, forms, drawings, mymaps, etc.

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Inserting private images into a Google Sheet

A couple of days ago, Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) published a post (Google Sheets: Embed an Image) about the =IMAGE() function to insert images into a spreadsheet. It is a function that allows you to embed an image that is public on the Internet inside a cell. I encourage you to read her post.

With this function you can only embed images that are on the internet in a public way. But what if we want to insert photographs that we don’t want to publish? For example, what if we have created a pupil tracking sheet and we want that their pictures appear? In this article I show an option that can complement Alice’s article.

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One file in several Drive folders

Of all G Suite applications, Drive is one of the most widely used, but it’s also one of the most common headaches. To take advantage of it, you have to be tidy and have some clear concepts of how it works. Other times I’ve talked about how to keep it organized: Organizing Google Drive and Google Drive share folders or documents?

In this article I’m talking about the option of having the same file in two or more different folders and the precautions we should take if we use it.

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