Using GAS to create web applications (3rd and last part)

With this article, I finish the trilogy on web apps with Google apps script. In the first article we saw what they were and what we could develop. In the second, we saw the process of creating a specific web app. In this third one, we will see how we can make a web app that has several html pages.

As we said in the second article, only the doGet function can return html. In fact, when the URL of the application is accessed, the doGet function is executed, which is the one that returns the html. This html usually has a button that calls another function that saves data or triggers actions. But what if we want the application to have more than one screen? How do we do it with a single doGet function?

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Using GAS to create web applications (Part 2)

After the first article explaining a little about what web apps made with Google Apps Script (GAS) are, we are going to see in this second article how to create a simple one. And I will do it with a real example, related to the evaluation of students. I warn you that this article will be much more technical and that you will need knowledge of GAS, html, css styles and javascript. As my friends from the GEG Spain coordinators group say, it will be in “whale” language.

We will create an application for students to fill in a KPSI (Knowledge and Prior Study Inventory) when they start a unit or project and fill it in again when they finish it. For those of you who are not familiar with the KPSI instrument, it is nothing more than a set of questions about the topic, where students do not have to give the answer, but must indicate whether they know the answer. It serves as a way to be aware of prior knowledge and to make the student aware of the progress he/she has made at the end of the test.

To make it easier to follow, in this folder you can find the final files, both the spreadsheet and the script with the code and the html files.

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Using GAS to create web applications (Part 1)

I have been using GAS (google apps script) for several years to automate tasks. In fact, those of you who follow the blog will know different plugins I have published for spreadsheets: CoRubrics, CLASS-MON and ImExClass. But, until now, I had rarely used the GAS option to create web applications. Some limitations that they have, had made me not dive much into it.

In this first article, I will only present what these web apps are and what they can be useful for. In a second part, we will see how to create one.

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CLASS-MON Update: Self-Assessment of Attitude and Work in the Classroom

Almost a month ago I introduced the CLASS-MON spreadsheet Add-on. I have to admit that it has been better received than I expected. It is currently installed by just over 11000 users (source: G Suite Marketplace). Today I present an update that basically improves two aspects. Continue reading “CLASS-MON Update: Self-Assessment of Attitude and Work in the Classroom”