Text documents to consult on screen?

It is strange how we are evolving, but, deep down, we are people of habits and it is difficult for us to change. Why do we do things in a certain way? Often simply out of habit. And because of the change in mentality that we should make in order to do them differently.

Despite this very philosophical introduction, I would like to talk about a very simple, concrete and everyday issue: text documents. Consider Word, Google documents or PDF.

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Should we take into account attitudinal aspects when grading?

A few weeks ago I published the article Qualifying at the end of a formative evaluation, which was the continuation of another article Assses without qualifying: my experience. I received quite a few comments and we had some very interesting discussions on twitter. And I think that, based on all that, it might be interesting to explain why I firmly believe that it is not convenient to take into account attitude aspects when grading a subject.

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Grading at the end of a formative assessment

A few months ago I wrote an article explaining how I try to evaluate students throughout the term without grading.

Asses without grades: my experience

I received a lot of comments and some of them asked me for a second part. This is all very well, they said, but at some point or another you have to grade. This article will try to focus on this second part: after a whole term doing formative assessment, how do I grade?

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Let’s talk about smartphone, families, teenagers and school

I often make dynamics with the students to deal with issues of digital competence, especially issues of security, responsibility, image, etc. Last week we played 3rd of ESO and talked about the excessive use of screens. They themselves were aware and, specifically, 75% believed that it would be advisable to reduce the use.

What surprised me most was the answer to the question, “Do you have or have you had any parental control applications installed?”

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Do you know the GEG Spain community?

I’m coming back from Madrid on the AVE and I’m taking advantage of these three hours to write a post. I’ve just spent a day and a half with the coordinators of the GEG Spain community. I’ve been one of them for a two years and today I want to talk about the community and its coordinators.

First of all, I want to make it clear, for me it is one of the most important communities I have to improve my teaching practice. Belonging to this community, and especially to the moderation team, makes me evaluate, reflect and improve my work (and passion). Therefore, let me begin by thanking the 13 members of moderation for their work and constant involvement, and the rest of the community for their contributions.

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