All of us who work mainly in the cloud (in my case, almost exclusively) have heard comments like: “It’s great to have all the information in the cloud, but the day you don’t have the internet you won’t be able to do anything”. This statement has not been true for a long time now, but it’s okay to remember it and see how to set it all up so that we can really work when we don’t have access to the network. In this article we will see how to access documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google format that we have on Drive and how we can work. It is necessary to specify that, for the moment, we can only work with these 3 types of files. Therefore, without connection we will not be able to work with sites, forms, drawings, mymaps, etc.
Category: Gogole Chrome
G Suite Admin Console (4): Configuring the Chrome Web Store
Continuing with the series of articles on the G Suite Admin console, today I will show you how to customize the Chrome Web Store. Students have a tendency to install many extensions, many of them without knowing too much about who made them. This can lead to two major problems. First of all, it may be a security issue, as although Google reviews it, there may be some extension that collects data. The second problem is memory loading and therefore slowness.
In this article we’ll look at how to prevent that students install Chrome Web Store extensions and how to set up your own Chrome Web Store with a selection of extensions. In this way, students are offered extensions that the school has tested and knows are useful. But we don’t force all students to have installed. Each one will add or remove as many as they need at any given time. Attention, if they don’t use Chromebooks, they can always log in to Chrome with a particular gmail user and install the extensions they want.
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G Suite Administration Console (1): Application presentation and installation
Following some queries I’ve received in the last few weeks, I start a series of articles by talking about the administration console of a Google apps for education. The truth is that it has a lot of possibilities and is worth investigating. I won’t do a complete tutorial because it would be endless and Google documentation is already quite good. I will only highlight a few aspects that I find particularly interesting and which, in some cases, are a little hidden.
Continue reading “G Suite Administration Console (1): Application presentation and installation”