Let’s talk about smartphone, families, teenagers and school

I often make dynamics with the students to deal with issues of digital competence, especially issues of security, responsibility, image, etc. Last week we played 3rd of ESO and talked about the excessive use of screens. They themselves were aware and, specifically, 75% believed that it would be advisable to reduce the use.

What surprised me most was the answer to the question, “Do you have or have you had any parental control applications installed?”

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Herramientas para una evaluación formadora y formativa

Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Muchas veces, cuando hablamos de herramientas para una evaluación formativa y/o formadora, ponemos en el mismo saco herramientas informáticas, estrategias y tareas de los alumnos. Como las tres cosas pueden contribuir a esta evaluación, es normal que suceda. Pero en este artículo quiero diferenciarlas y ver algunas alternativas para cada aspecto.

Será un artículo muy abierto esperando aportaciones de otros profesores que puedan complementar mi conocimiento limitado de herramientas.

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Google+ Community of CoRubrics

If you use any of the CoRubrics Add-ons I encourage you to sign up for the Google+ community I’ve created.
In this way, you will be able to be connected with other teachers who also use them and we will be able to share doubts, experiences, improvements…
The community is trilingual, in Catalan, Spanish and English, as CoRubrics is in these three languages. It is also in Basque but I don’t speak it: – (I want everyone to use the language they know or prefer. I will always reply in the language in which the questions are raised.
And if someone doesn’t understand any of the subjects I won’t have any problem in interpreting.