Collect data from different spreadsheets without using scripts

Lately I have been asked several times how to perform this operation. Several teachers have classes with the same students (although not exactly the same) and all evaluate the same aspects. Each one has their own sheet with their students and they want to be able to gather all the information and make averages. In addition, you can also create one sheet per student so that they can only see their results.

In this article I will detail a possible way to do it.

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A spreadsheet to save data in AppInventor (or other languages)

Today’s article is very technical and not very pedagogical. As always, the origin is educational, since the problem arose in the classroom, with 16 years old students. But it’s a question of information technology.

This students follow the program Mobilitzem la informàtica with some adaptations (only in Catalan). It is a program where students learn design thinking developing an application for mobile phones with appiventor.

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Herramientas para una evaluación formadora y formativa

Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Muchas veces, cuando hablamos de herramientas para una evaluación formativa y/o formadora, ponemos en el mismo saco herramientas informáticas, estrategias y tareas de los alumnos. Como las tres cosas pueden contribuir a esta evaluación, es normal que suceda. Pero en este artículo quiero diferenciarlas y ver algunas alternativas para cada aspecto.

Será un artículo muy abierto esperando aportaciones de otros profesores que puedan complementar mi conocimiento limitado de herramientas.

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II Meeting G Suite Catalunya

This past Saturday took place the II Meeting G Suite Catalunya and I found it interesting to make an entry as a chronicle and assessment.

In the first place, we should start with the genesis. The meeting is not organised by any entity, any organisation, any company, any institution… There are simply 9 teachers (I am one of them) who believe it is important to share classroom practices where technology (based on Google tools, but not exclusively) plays an important role in improving student learning.

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Single-point rubric: Automate sharing with students

This course we have begun to use in a habitual way and more or less systematic the single-point rubrics. I speak in the plural because it is not only my own thing, but also that of the teachers of my school who work on projects in the 4th year of ESO.

For those of you who do not know single-point rubrics (here the link from where I knew them), they are nothing more than usual analytical rubrics, where only the expert level is indicated and, instead of evaluating by selecting a level, it is necessary to write down which points of each aspect must be improved to become an expert and which points are already correct. In the link you can see different models.

Next, one of the ones we use to evaluate the students’ portfolio.

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