Using Language tool in spreadsheets

Català (Catalan) Español (Spanish)

Spell checkers have evolved a lot, and I think one that works very well is Language Tool.

It is an extension that is installed in the browser and, from then on, it warns you of spelling and grammatical errors in almost all the texts you write in your browser: documents, presentations, blogs, etc. If you do not have it installed, you can do so at this link.

But it does not work on spreadsheets. It does not recognize the cells of spreadsheets as text, and this means that it does not mark the errors. In the educational field (and also in the business field), this is a major limitation, since we use spreadsheets a lot: to make notebooks to monitor the progress of students, end-of-term bulletins, school organization, etc.

Here’s how I use Language Tool in these cases.

If you already have it installed and are typing text into a spreadsheet cell, you can use the following procedure:

  • When inside the cell, use the key combination Ctrl+A to select all the text
  • Once the text is selected, we can use the right button to choose the option Check spelling and grammar
  • The Language Tool page will open with our text and the corrections to be made.
  • We can hover over each highlighted word and correct it
  • Once everything is corrected, we will use Ctrl+A again to select the text and Ctrl+C to copy the text.
  • Finally, we will return to our spreadsheet, use Ctrl+A to select all the text in the cell and Ctrl+V to paste the copied text.

It may seem a bit complicated, but once you understand it, it is very simple and very quick and it is a good way to ensure that we do not make mistakes, especially in texts that end up being seen by students and families.

I hope it is useful if you did not know it.

Català (Catalan) Español (Spanish)

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