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Almost a month ago I introduced the CLASS-MON spreadsheet Add-on. I have to admit that it has been better received than I expected. It is currently installed by just over 11000 users (source: G Suite Marketplace). Today I present an update that basically improves two aspects.
Teachers Comments
Although CLASS-MON is designed more to make students think about the tasks they are doing than to give feedback from the teacher, as the add-on gives the teacher the possibility to evaluate the tasks, I have added the possibility for the teacher to also enter comments.
Simply, in the same cell where you enter the rate of the assignment, you can use the Insert note option, which is displayed with the right mouse button.
Attitude Template
For some students, it is also interesting to help them learn to self-regulate their work time in the classroom. Do they use their time? Do they concentrate and work? Do they get lost all the time?
CLASS-MON can also help us in these cases. When the template is created, CLASS-MON now offers the possibility of Activities (which is the template until now) and the possibility of Attitudes has been added.
The template basically differs in the options it offers in the form.
The student evaluates himself/herself with respect to the attitude and work in the classroom. Instead of introducing activities we will introduce sessions. At the end of each session, the student reflects on how he or she has worked and indicates this on the form. The teacher can also evaluate it and in this way the student compares whether his or her perception coincides with that of the teacher.
The experience of using similar tools (follow-up sheets, daily work grids…) in a significant percentage of the students has an important impact, as long as it is limited to a number of specific sessions. If it is taken as a habit, then it ceases to have an effect.
This is the first update, but I’m sure it won’t be the last. I have started to receive feedback from teachers who have started to use it and this provokes new ideas and new functionalities. Little by little I will try to improve the tool.