Herramientas para una evaluación formadora y formativa

Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images Muchas veces, cuando hablamos de herramientas para una evaluación formativa y/o formadora, ponemos en el mismo saco herramientas informáticas, estrategias y tareas de los alumnos. Como las tres cosas pueden contribuir a esta evaluación,…


All the articles I write and all the tools I have developed (CoRubrics, Virtual Teacher’s Notebook…) are totally free and without advertising. As an author, I don’t receive any economic benefit, but I have some expenses. The domain, the hosting…

Templates and scripts

In different articles of this blog I have presented some templates and scripts that I’ve been creating and share with Creative Commons license of the type attribution, non-commercial and share alike. The templates have the source code built in (just…

Contact form

Use the form if you want to contact the author of the blog. Doubts about the tools you have created (CoRubrics, qVic, etc.) will not be resolved through this form. There are many people using these tools and it is…